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Lee's Guide To Eating Raw Garlic

  1. Eat on an empty stomach.
  2. Required: glove of garlic, orange juice or lemonade, small cup, flattener and knife.

  1. The garlic is least hard on the stomach when it is empty, because the acid in the stomach neutralizes the harsh components in the garlic juice that can upset the stomach.

  2. Use an acidic juice to chase the minced garlic down --- orange juice or lemonade. The acid keeps the juice from coating the mouth or tainting the breath. Be sure to chase the garlic down with a second shot of just juice.

  3. Your stomach will feel queasy for about a minute after taking the garlic. This goes away when the garlic has mixed with the stomach acid. This can be accelerated by doing the Kundalini exercise "Breath of Fire".

  4. Note that I am using "second tier" utensils and cup here --- so as not to accidentally end up with espresso, chocolate cake, or banana slices that taste like garlic.

What's it good for?

I have found that in most cases where I notice my throat is getting sore, or my nasal passages are raw, indicating a cold is coming on, if I eat a clove of garlic, the symptoms abate within the day and never develop into a full-blown cold.

Most recently I tried it at the onset of a flu (characterized by rapid onset of high fever without respiratory symptoms). The garlic failed to abate the symptoms. Instead, I had purgatory runs, and was flat on my back the next day. However, after drinking one ounce of very old Noni juice from my refrigerator, I felt almost back to normal the next day. There is no way to know, of course, what I would have been like without the Noni.

Now, that's just my personal experience. But there is a ton of scientific research on garlic. For example,

Go to PubMed and search on "garlic" to find more.