Since this event wasn't on Maui, Maui went there (seven Maui hepcats and kittens that is). This fantastic event was held at the University of Hawaii at Manoa with the world masters and original creator of Lindy Hop:

Franking Manning,
     Erin Stevens and
        Steven Mitchell

on Oahu for a Week-Long Swing Dance Workshop,
April 19-25, 1999.

For information and reservations, call:
Francis Shiriwastaw (808) 839-6631,
e-mail: attn: Francis.


2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm 7-8pm 8-9pm 9-10pm 10pm-Midnight
Monday April 19 Dance Instructors Workshop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop  
Tuesday April 20: Dance Instructors Workshop Reception
Wednesday April 21: Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop  
Thursday April 22: Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop  
Friday April 23: Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Jitterbug Stroll Lindy Hop Lindy Hop  
Saturday April 24: Shim Sham Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Dance Party
Sunday April 25: Lindy Hop Lindy Hop Lindy Hop    

Registration is every day from 1:30-1:50pm and 5:30-5:50pm.

Frankie Manning is the "Martha Graham" of Swing dance. Now 84 years old, he is teaching workshops around the globe, and leading the charge during this worldwide Swing dance craze. Frankie brought air-steps into Swing dance in 1935, and created the more African, horizontal style of Lindy Hop. He choreographed the Lindy Hop scenes in the Marx Brothers' Day at the Races (1937), Helzapoppin' (1941), and other films. Erin Stevens got Frankie out of retirement to seed today's Lindy Hop revolution.