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Numerical Results

A numerical simulation of constructional selection in the NK model was performed using the genome growth algorithm illustrated in Figure 1:

  Add a new gene to the genome:
create a new pleiotropy vector $\mbox{\boldmath\(p\)\unboldmath }_{n+1}$, choosing uniformly (from $\{1, \ldots, 31\}$) the number, kn+1, of fitness components to be affected by the new gene, and then selecting randomly which fitness components these are, from a set of f=31 possible;
pick the allelic value, xn+1, of the new gene with probability 1/2 being either 0 or 1.
  If the new gene decreases fitness, reject it and repeat step 1. Otherwise, keep it.
Adapt $\mbox{\boldmath\(x\)\unboldmath }$ to the new (local) optimum $\hat{\mbox{\boldmath\(x\)\unboldmath }}$ by allelic substitution through a ``greedy'' 1-mutant adaptive walk.
Repeat step 1 until the genome has 31 genes.
The pleiotropy vectors, $\mbox{\boldmath\(p\)\unboldmath }_{n+1}$, are chosen from the same uniform distribution throughout the run. As a basis for comparison, the genome growth algorithm is also run without step 2, giving the result of choosing representations a priori.

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Lee Altenberg